Guns and Roses: The war-mongering peace paradox
Guns and Roses: The war-mongering peace paradox “Peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy “- Howard Stark The above line is from a movie based on aliens and magic but still has a strong relevance to the world we live in today. The world is no longer divided into the factions of the East or West, capitalist or socialist, communist or democratic but rather on geopolitics and economic might. It has become a multi-polar world. It is not ‘he, who controls the dollar, controls the world’, but is the state or individual who can capitalize and extract the most wealth from any situation – the good, the bad, or the ugly. The world is neither utopian nor dystopian, but it seems humanity is progressing towards the latter. Broken window fallacy T hey say there are no winners in a war, but I say there are. Being in a state of war or an impending war initiates an economic cycle, which creates wealth but not in sectors that l